Update on 73 Bus Service Timetables and Routemaps

Simon Barnet at SCC has sent out the following communication to councillors this morning 30/08/2024, including the route maps. Not the best of news for the interim service but SCC are still trying to mitigate.

Dear all,

I appreciate that this is probably too late for most of you to share with residents before Monday, but we have finally received the detailed route map for service 73 to go with the timetables Simonds have already published.

It is not fully following the route I intended, and we will be addressing this with Simonds as soon as possible, but for those intending to use the service next week please note the following:

Bardwell – the only stops will be at and opposite the Tithe Barn.

Shepherd’s Grove – they are still showing the route to the south of the site, rather than the stops by the café.

I will endeavour to get some temporary bus stops put out at these locations over the weekend or first thing on Monday and we can look at a more permanent solution in the coming weeks if it proves impossible to revert to the existing stops.


Simon Barnett
Integrated Transport &Enhanced Partnership Manager
Passenger Transport
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
8 Russell Road
01473 265045

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