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Wills Index 14th to 18th Century
An index of Wills for Walsham-le-Willows spanning the years 1396 – 1798. The search box below searches content in this table only. Use the search link at top of home page to search other content on the site.The index was last updated in June 2003 and has 318 entries.
” * ” by a Will means that the record is Probate only.
Surname | Forename | Year | Probate Only |
Peye | William chaplain | 1396 | |
Brook | John | 1441 | |
Cooper | John | 1448 | |
Spicer | John | 1450 | |
Poye | Peter | 1452 | * |
Robhood | Robert | 1452 | * |
Wells | Thomas | 1452 | * |
Margery | Robert senior | 1456 | |
Fuller | John | 1458 | * |
Bonde | Simon | 1459 | * |
Robhood | John | 1459 | |
Warde | Robert | 1459 | * |
Smith | Nicholas | 1460 | |
Swift | John | 1465 | |
Robhood | Joan widow | 1468 | |
Fletcher | Thomas | 1469 | |
Fuller | Ellen | 1469 | |
Hawes | William | 1469 | |
Bonde | John | 1471 | |
Sare | Robert | 1471 | |
Turner | William | 1471 | |
Hawes | James | 1472 | |
Frances | John senior | 1473 | |
Pakke | Robert | 1476 | |
Wether | Robert | 1477 | |
Page | Richard | 1478 | |
Judy | Thomas | 1479 | |
Bene | John | 1480 | |
Ebell | Thomas | 1480 | |
Potenger | William chaplain | 1481 | |
Miller alias Hill | John senior | 1483 | |
Norwold | Thomas | 1488 | |
Deye | Richard | 1489 | |
Murrell | Isabel widow | 1495 | |
Potenger | Thomas | 1496 | |
Vincent | John husbandman | 1497 | |
Gosling | Margaret widow | 1500 | |
Judy | Walter | 1500 | |
Vincent | William senior | 1500 | |
Golde | Robert | 1501 | |
Rose | Thomas | 1501 | |
Miller | Thomas | 1502 | |
Hawes | Alice | 1503 | |
Margery | Richard | 1503 | |
Page | Edmund | 1503 | |
Baker | Robert | 1504 | |
Hawes | John senior | 1504 | |
Rainbird | Lawrence | 1504 | |
Rainbird | Margaret widow | 1504 | |
Holme | Alice widow | 1507 | |
Rampley | Richard | 1512 | |
Hawes | Robert | 1517 | |
Tripp | Katherine widow | 1519 | |
Archer | John | 1521 | * |
Wells | Agnes widow | 1521 | |
Terold | Alice | 1524 | |
Saye | Margery widow | 1525 | |
Hawes | John carpenter | 1526 | |
Fletcher | Isabel | 1527 | |
Hawes | John of West Street | 1527 | |
Hawes | Katherine widow | 1528 | |
Wither | John | 1528 | |
Beale | John | 1529 | |
Carman | Elizabeth widow | 1529 | |
Hawes | John tailor | 1529 | |
Lacy | Hugh | 1529 | |
Pakenham | John | 1529 | |
Vincent | William senior | 1529 | |
Townsend | Matilda widow | 1534 | |
Margery | Thomas | 1535 | |
Parker | John | 1536 | |
Blome | William priest | 1537 | |
Hawes | John of Cranmer | 1537 | |
Robhood | John husbandman | 1537 | |
Vincent | Thomas | 1537 | |
Baker | Margaret widow | 1538 | |
Carter | William | 1539 | |
Rainbird | Lawrence single man | 1539 | |
Rainbird | Thomas yeoman | 1539 | |
Carter | Agnes widow | 1540 | |
Frances | Thomas | 1540 | |
Neale | Richard | 1540 | |
Parker | Katherine | 1540 | |
Page | William yeoman | 1542 | |
Jordan | Robert yeoman | 1546 | |
Marhsam | Thomas yeoman | 1546 | |
Freeman | William (of Finningham) | 1547 | |
Deye | John | 1548 | |
Robhood | Anne widow | 1548 | |
Robhood | John | 1548 | |
Hawes | Stephen | 1549 | |
Vincent | Stephen yeoman | 1549 | |
Hawes | Robert yeoman | 1550 | |
Grocer | John husbandman | 1551 | |
Smith | Thomas yeoman | 1551 | |
Spalding | Thomas | 1551 | |
Hawes | Alice widow | 1552 | |
Hawes | William | 1552 | |
Wither | John husbandman | 1552 | |
Carman | John yeoman | 1555 | |
Hawes | John of Cranmer yeoman | 1555 | |
Jordan | Katherine widow | 1555 | |
Martin | Walter | 1555 | |
Baker | William husbandman | 1556 | |
Hawes | Stephen (of Weston) | 1556 | |
Parker | Nicholas | 1556 | |
Waller | Nicholas | 1556 | |
Beaphew | Raynold priest | 1557 | |
Marsham | Joan | 1557 | |
Page | Richard | 1557 | |
Vincent | William senior | 1557 | |
Carter | John | 1558 | |
Page | Marion | 1558 | |
Pope | John | 1558 | |
Rampley | Richard yeoman | 1558 | |
Singleton | Elizabeth widow | 1558 | |
Buller | Alice widow | 1559 | |
Hawes | Richard tailor | 1559 | |
Parker | William husbandman | 1559 | |
Reve | Joan widow | 1559 | |
Skottismore | John | 1559 | |
Smith | John yeoman | 1559 | |
Waller | Richard | 1559 | |
Baker | Christian | 1560 | |
Rise | Thomas shearman | 1560 | |
Dawes | Robert | 1562 | |
Hawes | Robert yeoman | 1562 | |
Spink | Richard husbandman | 1562 | |
Vincent | Katherine widow | 1562 | |
Waller | William | 1562 | |
Buller | John | 1563 | * |
Rainbird | Thomas butcher | 1563 | |
Vincent | Thomas | 1563 | |
Blakey | Anne | 1564 | |
Clerke | Maud widow | 1565 | |
Clerke | William | 1565 | * |
Sparke | John yeoman | 1565 | |
Baker | Richard | 1566 | |
Hawes | Margery | 1566 | |
Martin | Joan widow | 1569 | |
Vincent | William tailor | 1570 | |
Wetherhed | Thomas | 1571 | |
Vincent | John senior, weaver | 1573 | |
Lacy | Thomas senior, gent. | 1574 | |
Carpenter | William husbandman | 1575 | |
Sparke | William yeoman | 1576 | |
Hawes | Thomas yeoman | 1577 | |
Miller | John | 1577 | |
Finbow | Michael shoemaker | 1578 | |
Hawes | John senr, | 1581 | “in the Bushes” |
Hovell alias Smith | Thomas | 1584 | |
Rampley | Richard senior, yeoman | 1584 | |
Rampley | John senior | 1585 | |
Rookwood | Thomasine | 1585 | |
Rampley | Katherine widow | 1587 | |
Margery | John yeoman | 1588 | |
Rampley | Reginald yeoman | 1588 | |
Rushbrook | John shearman | 1588 | |
Carter | John yeoman | 1589 | |
Hawes | William husbandman | 1590 | |
Jessop | John tanner | 1591 | |
Vincent | Steven | 1593 | |
Robhood | John gent. | 1595 | |
Carter | Richard labourer | 1596 | |
Stork | Simon | 1596 | |
Rainbird | John yeoman | 1597 | |
Rainbird | William | 1597 | |
Ludman | Robert husbandman | 1598 | |
Person | Robert labourer | 1598 | |
Russell | Henry yeoman | 1598 | |
Vincent | Augustine woollen | 1598 | weaver |
Vincent | John husbandman | 1598 | |
Hawes | Henry weaver | 1599 | |
Margery | Samuel single man | 1599 | |
Vincent | John yeoman | 1599 | |
Hewke | Agnes | 1603 | |
Smith | Thomas gent. | 1603 | |
Smith | William junior | 1603 | wheelwright |
Hawes | Philip | 1605 | |
Margery | Margaret widow | 1605 | * |
Pecke | Simond | 1605 | |
Page | John senior yeoman | 1606 | |
Lounds | Thomas driver | 1607 | |
Assy | George tailor | 1608 | |
Peck | John senior tailor | 1608 | |
Hawes | Andrew senior yeoman | 1609 | |
Osborne | William yeoman | 1609 | |
Hobson | Christian widow | 1612 | |
Lacy | Thomas gent. | 1613 | |
Rampley | John | 1613 | |
Ryse | William yeoman | 1613 | |
Hovel Alias Smythe | Robert gent. | 1615 | |
Neele | Robert senior labourer | 1615 | |
Cooke | Thomas vintner | 1616 | |
Grocer | Lawrence glover | 1616 | |
Vincent | Julian widow | 1616 | |
Astyne | Thomas labourer | 1617 | |
Dobbie | Susan widow | 1617 | |
Page | Thomas yeoman | 1617 | |
Page | George yeoman | 1618 | |
Seaman | Thomas yeoman | 1618 | |
Tillott | Henry | 1618 | |
Vincent | Austine labourer | 1619 | |
Boulmer | Baruck gent. | 1620 | |
Dawes | Hugh | 1620 | |
Kinge | Abraham barber | 1620 | |
Page | William tailor | 1621 | |
Hargrave | Thomas husbandman | 1624 | |
Baker | Richard husbandman | 1626 | |
Bridges | Benjamin husbandman | 1626 | |
Cooke | Thomas junior yeoman | 1626 | |
Page | Marie | 1626 | |
Page | William senior yeoman | 1627 | |
Raynberd | Richard yeoman | 1627 | |
Grocer | Robert single man | 1629 | |
Parker | Thomas gent. | 1630 | |
Carter | Richard yeoman | 1631 | |
Rainbird | Lawrence senior yeoman | 1631 | |
Wright | Francis shoemaker | 1632 | |
Gleede | Alice | 1633 | |
Flatt | John linen weaver | 1635 | |
Seddon | Mercy widow | 1635 | |
Baxter | Edmund | 1636 | |
Clarke | Richard senior | 1637 | husbandman |
Complin | George senior gent. | 1637 | |
Hill | John gent. | 1637 | |
Holbitch | John yeoman | 1637 | |
Beale | Thomas yeoman | 1638 | |
Fenyng | William husbandman | 1638 | |
Marten | Susan single woman | 1638 | |
Tillott | Alice widow | 1638 | |
Tyler | Thomas yeoman | 1638 | |
Hall | William clerk | 1639 | |
Page | Richard yeoman | 1639 | |
Page | Sibell widow | 1640 | |
Playford | Ann widow | 1641 | |
Curtis | John blacksmith | 1642 | |
Lacy | Thomas | 1647 | * |
Lincolne | Thomas yeoman | 1647 | |
Bardwell | Elizabeth single woman | 1648 | |
Murton | John blacksmith | 1648 | |
Rampley | Thomas senior | 1648 | |
Rainberd | Lawrence single man | 1648 | blacksmith |
Brightway | John | 1649 | |
Hawes | Stephen yeoman | 1651 | |
Clarke | Simon yeoman | 1652 | |
Margery | Ralph Captain | 1653 | |
Page | Thomas linen weaver | 1655 | |
Margery | Theophilus soldier | 1657 | |
Chambers | William yeoman | 1658 | |
Grinwade | John yeoman | 1659 | |
Grocer | Margery spinster | 1659 | |
Withers | Thomas yeoman | 1659 | |
Barrow | John husbandman | 1660 | |
Crispe | Thomasine single woman | 1660 | |
Goddard | Hugh carpenter | 1661 | |
Turner | Richard yeoman | 1661 | |
Curtis | Dorothy widow | 1662 | |
Grome | William carpenter | 1662 | |
Cooke | Thomas yeoman | 1663 | |
Bybie | John | 1665 | * |
Vincent | Stephen | 1665 | |
Baker | Robert yeoman | 1666 | |
Complin | William gent. | 1667 | |
Page | John gent. | 1667 | |
Complin | George yeoman | 1668 | |
Grocer | John gent. | 1668 | |
Howlett | Silvester yeoman | 1668 | |
Nunn | Leonard | 1668 | |
Rainbird | Thomas husbandman | 1668 | |
Rice | Thomas yeoman | 1668 | |
Canham | Samuel | 1669 | * |
Davie | Henry | 1669 | |
Vincent | John yeoman | 1669 | |
Gawsell | Robert wool comber | 1670 | |
Avys | Sarah | 1671 | |
Vincent | Stephen grocer | 1672 | |
Eliot | William yeoman | 1673 | |
Mayer | Thomas yeoman | 1674 | |
Grocer | John linen weaver | 1675 | |
Rainbird | William yeoman | 1675 | |
Howlett | Silvester yeoman | 1676 | |
Poope | Daniel | 1676 | |
Rainberd | John yeoman | 1676 | |
Block | Henry yeoman | 1678 | |
Fisher | Abraham gent. | 1680 | |
Morice | Robert esq. | 1680 | |
Smith | Alice widow | 1680 | |
Turner | Jonathan baker | 1680 | |
Mayor | John | 1684 | |
Canham | Samuel gent. | 1685 | |
Rainbird | Richard yeoman | 1685 | |
Syer | Robert blacksmith | 1685 | |
Warner | Thomas cordwainer | 1685 | |
Davey | Samuel yeoman | 1687 | |
Clarke | Richard yeoman | 1688 | |
Daynes | Simeon yeoman | 1688 | |
Mayer | Mary | 1688 | |
Scase | William yeoman | 1689 | |
Amys | Thomas gent. | 1690 | |
Canham | Samuel gent. | 1690 | |
Ullitt | George | 1690 | |
Roper | Thomas gent. | 1691 | |
Baker | John fellmonger | 1692 | |
Salkeld | John junior | 1695 | |
Salkeld | John clerk | 1698 | |
Roper | Lucy widow | 1699 | |
Stebbin | Margaret widow | 1701 | |
Hammond | Joseph | 1707 | * |
Brooke | Robert | 1713 | * |
Wright | Daniel clerk | 1721 | |
Cooke | Thomas | 1737 | |
Harvey | Abigail Mrs | 1741 | |
Youngman | Thomas | 1749 | |
Tideman | James yeoman | 1759 | |
Pett | Ellis surgeon | 1774 | |
Morley | William | 1791 | * |
Quantrill | Thomas farmer | 1798 |